Monday, November 13, 2017

Butch~ November 3, 2017

Some of you may know I had a dog, and I his name is Butch. We found out three weeks ago that he had a rare type of lymphoma skin cancer... which was not treatable and would go from okay to disastrous in the blink of an eye. We had thought he had allergies as he was ripping out his fur and skin because of irritation; but it wasn't allergy irritation, it was the cancer. We loved our dog so much, that we didn't want to see him suffer. My parents made the appointment to have him put down and until the appointment he was put on a high dosage of medication to slow down the cancer and prevent pain. (no, the medication was not a long term option) The day before was really hard as he had no more medication and you could see how quickly he fell. November 3, 2017 is the day we buried our puppy on our land. He was 12 years old and we had had him since 2008. I was only 5 and I don't really remember a time without him. He will forever have a special place in my heart and I will show some pictures that I have of him.

He was an amazing puppy.
This is the day we found out about his cancer

 You can see the difference in his fur from the previous pictures to the last 5 pictures...

He was the most loyal and fun pet any family could ask for. You never realize how much you love something or someone until its gone. Never take someone or something for granted... always say I love you and tell them how much you appreciate them. I love you Butch <3. I always will.

Thank you for reading. Have an amazing and blessed day.


  1. Aw! I'm so sorry. :( Losing a family pet is so hard. Glad you have a bunch of pictures of him to remember him by!

    1. Thanks Bethany. It has been really hard and yes, it’s so nice to have so many pictures!
