Wednesday, April 4, 2018

a sneak peek into my crazy life.

     Yes, I've hit the ALWAYS SUPER BUSY point of the year with spring pretty much here and with only having 6 WEEKS, I repeat, 6 WEEKS left of school... I'm super swamped! So I'm going to share my crazy "getting-up-to's" with y'all! #greathomemadewords

       So if you did not know I am in a musical with our home school group, The Lady Pirates of Captain Bree! I am an Irish Pirate who goes by the name of Patty! Here are the details if you want to see it! Dates: April 20, 21, 22; 2018 at 7pm on the 20 and 21 and at 2pm on the 22! It's at the Clintonville Public High School Auditorium and it's FREE!

       As I said I am on the home stretch of my freshman year of high school! And honestly... I'm kinda ready for the summer break! I am the kid who cried when school was over... and who does something for school every summer... so this is huge for me!

      I'm an Air Conditioner at 4-H camp this year! a.k.a. Assistant Counselor. I'm with the second to eldest group (6) this year and I'm really getting excited! Except for the fact of playing gaga ball... 24/7.... for 5 days.... *face palm* Don't get me wrong it's a fun game and all... but you get sick of it when that's all the kids want to do...

     I asked Nevaeh(my little cousin) if she wanted to play a game and she said she wanted to play candyland. I pull out the board and we pick our characters: Backpack(me), Dora(Nevaeh), and Boots(mom)! Our Diego is unfortunately extremely chewed up... not sure how that happened but anyway.

Obviously Nevaeh won because she got the ice cream cone *and cheated her way to victory in my opinion* but it was fun to play!

      And I am pleased to say the Samme is just about up to her best again! I am finally able to lightly canter her again!! AND... We took our first trail ride of the season this week! We actually got two in but now... Wisconsin is being ever so gracious as to bestow more snow upon us... we literally got at least 7 inches or more....Back the indoor for riding

     And finally, here are some pictures I took this week while I was at the barn! 
On the left is Samme, the charming fella here is Ducati and the black blob on the right is Dude. :)
This is my favorite photo I took! This is Samme
And this is Ducati!
When do you get done with school? What are your plans for the summer? Do you want some posts or even vlogs of stuff at the barn? If so what do you wan to see? Let me know in the  comments. Thank you so much for reading! I hope you have an awesome day!


  1. I LOVE horses so I would just love to hear more about them!!

  2. After this blizzard summer seems overrated and we’ll be moving to Antarctica next week for summer vacation 🤪
